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Letter to Minister Anthony Roberts - Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes

Monday 20 June 2022

The Hon Anthony Roberts Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes

Parliament House SYDNEY NSW 2000

Dear Minister

I write to you on behalf of the Riverina Sustainable Food Alliance (The Alliance) in relation to the Mates Gully Solar Factory proposal.

The Riverina Sustainable Food Alliance supports the creation of a more sustainable society and this includes the ongoing development of commercial renewable energy projects within Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) boundaries across regional NSW.

The Alliance congratulates the NSW Government on the introduction of REZs across regional NSW and notes the South West REZ. These zones as an important tool which give project proponents and landholders certainty when it comes to commercial renewable energy project proposals and their location.

Whilst The Alliance does not have the technical capabilities to determine what are the most suitable locations for commercial renewable generation projects, we do note that the Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo NSW), which is the NSW Government-controlled statutory authority that will lead the delivery of the REZs, has undertaken this work as part of the REZ rollout.

The Alliance wishes to draw your attention to a document titled Methodology for refining the South-West Renewable Energy Zone geographic area dated February 2022, which is available on the website. This document outlines the process on how the South West REZ is being developed including the extensive data that is being used in determining its location.

We also note there is a map of the proposed South West REZ available at 03/Accessible%20Indicative%2Olocation%20of%20South-West%2OREZ.pdf. We note the date on this map is March 2022. The Alliance notes the proposed Mates Gully Solar Factory is not located within the South West REZ boundary.

Whilst The Alliance has a number of specific concerns with the proposal, based on the existing work of the NSW Government through EnergyCo NSW in developing REZs across regional NSW, it has already been determined that the Mates Gully Solar Factory proposal is not in a suitable location and should not be given approval. On this basis we ask that the proposed Mates Gully Solar Factory proposal be rejected at your earliest possible convenience.

Given the proposal is located in Southern NSW, we believe, based on the work undertaken by the NSW Government that the most suitable location for the Mates Gully Solar Factory is within the South West REZ.

The Alliance would welcome the opportunity to discuss the matter with you or your department at your earliest possible convenience.

Yours Sincerely

James Gooden

Riverina Sustainable Food Alliance

CC: The Hon. Paul Toole MP, Deputy Premier of NSW The Hon. Matt Kean, Treasurer and Minister for Energy Dr Joe McGirr, Member for Wagga Wagga

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